
Printing and publishing


Various process problems in the cooperation between production partners – e.g. intransparency and unreliability of digital printers who work in cooperation (batch size 1), which leads to problems in the ability to deliver to the trade or end consumer.

Solution approach

CALVENDO digitally and automatically maps the value chain from the creation of works by external rights holders, metadata distribution, print-on-demand production, trade distribution to delivery and billing. The developed system creates transparency and thus the possibility to counteract problems in the work and supply chain with suitable measures.


Project implemented at CALVENDO in the first stage, further stages via the parent company in progress. Vision: ChainPrint is to be an open platform for publishers, print buyers, printers, logisticians, distributors and retailers. CHAINSTEP developed the concept for the use of blockchain within CHAINPRINT and also provided advice.

Added value

Transparency and reliability in the work and supply chain leads to greater efficiency, higher customer satisfaction and more sales.

What our customers say

“CHAINSTEP’s profound knowledge quickly enabled us to develop a practical solution.”

Hans-Joachim Jauch, Managing Director CALVENDO


CHAINSTEP Chainprint

How Would It Work For You?

If you are wondering which technologies could raise long-term values for your company’s needs, then always feel free to contact us.

We are happy to discuss the current status of technologies, use cases and see how they fit into your planning.